Saturday, 27 April 2013



One of the methods for testing process is by checking the voltage and resistance value by using multi-meter. The sensor used in this project is controlled by the voltage output itself. The output voltage for temperature sensor is linearly porportional to the Celcius (centigrade) temperature. Hence the environment temperature can be analyzed by using multi-meter.

The prototype of temperature sensing using PID controller was able to detect, monitor and control the ambient temperature inside the prototype box and able to maintain safe operating temperature point of electric and electrical equipment. Only one sensor was used to detect temperature LM35 and the sensor was run properly. This project successfully programmed into the microcontroller, PIC16F887 can control LM35 as an input, control the output such as LCD 16x2 and buzzer. This project also successfully displayed the environment temperature.



From the previous entry, a problem was occurs that in my project, fan2 was not working. It is because of the fan was burned. The fan was broken. So, when the output voltage go through the fan, it also not working.


I was trying with trial and error by replacing each component with new one, such as the motor driver, the rectifier, last but not least, the fan as well. After figure it out, I have changed the fan with new one. 

Here is the important of trouble shooting of every each components when it comes to failure. 


Troubleshooting is a form of problem solving, often applied to repair failure products or processes. It is a logical, systematic search for the source of a problem so that it can be solved. 


For trial and error is typically good for problems where you have multiple chances to get the correct solution. However, this is not a good technique for problems that don't give you multiple chances to find a solution.

Sunday, 21 April 2013



A problem was occur while trying to modified the circuit. I was just trying to make the push button with the longer wire so that i can put the wire at the wall for the prototype. I was just adjusting the push button from the PCB to a longer wire. I might burn some component on the PCB board that cause a failure to my circuit.

The figure above is the output voltage that present for output FAN1. The voltage shows 10V to operate the FAN1.

This figure is displayed the output voltage for FAN2. The voltage shows 0V. This prove that there was no voltage to operate the FAN2.  - FAILURE -

Sunday, 7 April 2013



      The flowchart above tells the flow of the temperature sensing process. The system starts when the operation system is ON. The set temperature value is sets after the operating system starts. The value of the set temperature is as the monitor values. While the systems operated, the temperature sensor as the input device starts their work by sensing the desired temperature and compared with the temperature value sets.

      When the system operation produce heat that are higher than the set temperature, the microcontroller will sent data signal to PID controller so controlling the fans that operate to controlling the heat so that the hot air can be suck out and replaced by the cool air from the outer side. The fan will operate until the temperature heat becomes natural as the set temperature values. Somehow, if the reading temperature is still in the range of the set temperature value the system will continue read the temperature.

      The last stage of the flow system is when it relates with the alarm system. The buzzer as the alarm system that activate when the extreme heat produce by the electric equipment more than  that is at the hazardous temperature. The buzzer will ON and allows the maintenance to check the failure system.




      PID controllers are a family of controller. By using PID, a large number of options will provided. As the options is the number of possibilities for changing the dynamics of the systems. PID controller can gives a better performance that is better than using the proportional or integral alone. There are some tuning methods that available in tuning PID.

      The PID control algorithm is used for the control of almost all loops in the process industries, and is also the basis for many advanced control algorithms and strategies. In order for control loops to work properly, the PID loop must be properly tuned.


A well tuned PID controller has parameters which are adapted to the dynamic properties to the process, so that the control system becomes fast and stable. If the process dynamic property varies without re-tuning the controller, the control system gets reduced stability, or becomes more sluggish.

The basic transfer functions of PID controller work as follows:

 The transfer functions of PID controller can also be written as:

      In any kind of industries, the usage of an automation systems that doesn’t need many workers to control or supervise the machine eternally. All industries must have their own target of manufacturing their services or products. Due to accomplish their work on time or on the due date, they have to work on it and some equipment sometimes work non-stop. All workers and machines both must work consistently to each other to achieve the company’s target and also to maintain good reputations.

      One of the causes that will cause an accident is overheating on the equipment due to the industries that having an automation system works commonly nowadays. Why must monitoring the temperature? It is important to monitor or control the temperature heat carefully because the extreme temperature will cause a failure to the equipment and systems if the temperature is outside of the operating range. The damage can affect the company budget to the maintenance or replacing the damage or accident that happened. It also may affect the quality time for the company to produce the product and also affect the reputation of the company as well.
      In terms of education, nowadays many of higher institutions were built and somehow, the idea of producing the low cost of prototype is to help any higher institutions to get the prototype as additional learning references other than books. So, students can get more knowledge and extra information by getting closer to the real applications before they finished their studies and apply the terms on the real world. 





The project scope to produce the proposed product including the process of researching the ideas, references, and information to develop a high quality of temperature control devices that having a low cost systems and beneficial. Another project scope is to analyze how the PID controller can be implemented with the microcontroller to produce accurate results and controlling the temperature as well.


This temperature sensing project requires controlling or reducing the temperature of the full running machine that produce the extreme temperature that can cause failure. The basic concept of project is the input of temperature sensor will act as the input device and read the temperature. The reading signal should be sent to the PIC16F876A microcontroller and operate as the PID controller system as the controller to reducing the hot air. Lastly, buzzer set as alarm should be start to operate to give warning which alert the users that the equipment working at the excessive temperature. The actions can reduce the cost of maintaining of failure equipment and also can improve the reputation of the production sites. In addition to this, the proposed project will be implemented for the low cost product so that this systems or product can be sold for education purposed.